Certified RRN Certified Training

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Respect Training 

Respect is a programme of training that is used in education, health and social care settings to prevent, de-escalate and  safely support people who may display behaviours of concern.

Initially created to support Navigo’s work, it is a  series of person-centred care techniques, skills, best practice and values now widely shared with organisations across the UK.  

Certified by the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (Bild) Association of Certified Training against the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards, Respect Training consistently maintains high standards across all aspects of programmes.

Our prevention and management of behaviours of concern training ensures that both individuals and organisations have the necessary skills to ensure safety and provide support to those under their care.

In situations where individuals are distressed, in crisis, or displaying concerning behaviours, there may be instances where restrictive interventions are required to ensure the safety of staff, the individuals themselves, and others. However, the use of restraint should always be proportionate, safe, and considered a last resort after proactive support and de-escalation strategies have been tried.

Any use of physical interventions follow a gradient system of support with the least restrictive options being utilised first.  All of our release techniques and physical interventions have been risk assessed by professionals in relation to the physical, physiological and psychological effect of their use from the age of five years and upwards.  In addition to this, all of our interventions are endorsed by our Expert by Experience who is also one of our Respect Trainers.

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