RESPECT Training is a trading arm of NAViGO. NAViGO is a Data Controller and can be contacted at: 3-7 Brighowgate, Grimsby, DN32 0QE.
The Data Protection Officer for this Authority can be contacted at the same address.
We are collecting your personal data in order to process your application for training and to maintain your training records. Data collection and processing ensures that the RRN standards are being adhered to. We are doing this under a contract with you or your employer.
Your data will be shared with RESPECT training and BILD as they are the regulator of this training. Your information may be used for other purposes relevant to or connected with this training such as our insurers, legal advisors or in order to prevent or detect crime, to protect public funds or where we are required or permitted to share data under other legislation or for safeguarding purposes.
We will also receive information about you from your employer and the DBS service. Although we will not keep a record of your DBS certificate we will keep a record of the reference number to show that we have accessed your record as part of the risk assessment for this training. Any medical data you provide to us as part of the risk assessment to see if you are suitable to complete the training will be held and processed with your consent. You can withdraw your consent to us processing this data but that does not mean we have to delete records already held as these form part of your training record.
In line with our retention policy we will keep your personal data as part of your training record for 10 years, after which it will be deleted / destroyed. At the point of recertification (for instructors) or refresher courses (for participants), previous assessment packs, medical declarations and portfolios will be destroyed, unless they form part of an ongoing enquiry.
You have the right to access your data and to rectify mistakes, erase, restrict, object or move your data in certain circumstances. Please contact the Data Protection Officer for further information or go to our website where your rights are explained in more detail. If you would like to receive an explanation of your rights in paper format please contact the Data Protection Officer.
Any complaints regarding your data should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer in the first instance. If the matter is not resolved you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at:
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113
If you do not provide the information required on the form then we will not be able to process your application for certified training.
For further information on our Data Protection Policies please go to our website.