RESPECT Training is aimed at producing the safest, most effective and ethical solutions to build and improve relations with individuals who may display behaviours of concern with a focus on understanding why. 

We deliver RESPECT Training throughout the UK and Northern Ireland, developing skills across a wide range of health and social care providers to enable preventative and proactive approaches to their care.

Our clients include NHS Trust mental health services, NHS acute hospitals, learning disability and community service providers, children and young people’s services, older people’s services, state and private schools and includes specialist training for those working in the areas of learning disability, dementia and autistic spectrum disorders.

We also provide training for private ambulance services, residential and nursing homes, child and adolescent services and secure services.

RESPECT Training gives staff increased confidence and competence when applying ethical approaches to supporting people who present with distressed, violent or aggressive behaviours. All our training is tailored to customer needs with the primary focus on developing staff skills in proactive interventions and de-escalation techniques.

Our training staff are required to maintain their frontline experience in care support and delivery bringing continued insight into the challenges of managing people with behaviours of concern. As training instructors, they are required to refresh and update their skills annually to remain updated and upskilled in latest developments and legislation, and to maintain their own certification and training instructor status.

This commitment ensures our bespoke training equips your staff with the right skills, knowledge and understanding for their areas of practice.


"Having credible trainers made learning really interactive and the bio mechanics work was excellent. RESPECT is the whole not just the restraint techniques"

Customer feedback
Settings and service areas we work with include:
  • Education and young people
  • Learning disability
  • Mental health
  • Older adults and dementia